I often use my tweezer to pick out those tiny "whiteheads" on my nose that I know aren't blackheads, try my best to see if there would be ways to prevent them from re-appearing, yet fail everytime since they are there again days later? What are those annoying things? Are they bad?
Let's just delve into this video to figure out what those are!
Standard YouTube license: Are Those Really Blackheads? uploaded by SciShow
So after watching, there are certain advices I want to mention:
- If you want to get some nose strips to get rid of your tiny "whiteheads", or sebaceous filaments to be exact, perhaps it is NOT an effective way to spend your money since they will be back! You can simply use a tweezer to get rid of these once per week, but make sure your tweezer is CLEAN, since you don't want these harmless filaments to be infected and resulted in acne.
- You also don't want to touch your nose area to "feel" these sebaceous filaments too often, or any area on your skin since your fingers are a big source of germs :(
- There are several natural masks/tricks you can find online that helps removing these rather than using a tweezer. Again, these are better than wasting money on nose strips.
- There's one really cool trick I tried before that works so well I love it a lot. Take a boiled egg (let it cool down a bit), remove its shell, and scroll it across your nose area (and other facial areas too if you want) for around 5 minutes. Afterwards, break the egg in half to see the cooked yolk inside, you'll be wowed!! --> TRY IT YOURSELF, NOW :)
Thumbnail background from models, taken from DrZevon
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