Thank you for your interest in Chemiphilic! If you're experiencing a font or format problem on my page (especially if you're visiting from your phone), try to reload it. The problem should be solved after 2 or 3 try.Chemiphilic is a site created to fulfil my curiosity about how the principles of Chemistry are applied in our day-to-day basis. I have been studied Chemistry for approximately four years, but I always wonder how those substances play a role in our life, especially when we cannot see them at all!
However, chemical substances are present almost in every single thing we use daily. Food are made up of all types of organic compounds. Plastics are formed from polymers of long chemical chains. Cosmetics and hygiene products all consist of complicated chemical structures. Of course I do not know a lot about the chemical compositions of things, but this is the ultimate goal I want to achieve through this site. So to speed up the process, let's quickly go through these Q&A and get a sense of my blog!
What will be the overall theme of the blog?
Chemistry in our daily life, yay!!!
How does this blog work?
Every week, a post will be posted, containing an introductory video/poster/article/etc and a small discussion paragraph with more details from things mentioned in the introduction that isn't fully explained.
Sometimes, there will be posts without any discussion mainly because the video or poster has done a great job at explaining, or the content is about applications of science in our daily life but are not inclined towards Chemistry, but still worth sharing.
Where are those introductory video/poster/article/etc come from?
They're from outside sources with appropriate citation/license associated and links to original sources. Any images used for illustrations in all posts are given original sources at the end of each post.
What about the discussion paragraphs?
Content of the discussion paragraphs are produced by me, with careful research materials formally constructed with citations.
How should I use the content of this blog?
This blog is created as a mean to share information and discuss interesting content. This should never be a primary source, and should not be treated as an authoritative source either. I'm a student and in my process of learning too, so inaccurate information may be present, although I'll try my best to be as careful as possible. Therefore, use this as an informative tool, but don't ever cite this!
All questions, comments, and concerns can be reached by filling out the contact form on the left side of your screen. I'll try to reach you ASAP. You can also use the comment function below every post to contribute your opinions.
Again, thank you for your support! Please feel free to express your ideas. This is a learning process. I learn along the way and there are definitely lots of space for me to improve so don't be hesitated!
Let us enjoy the art of Chemistry!
Images credits
Site header image is designed by Anneke Tran, taken from Visually
Chemistry on White Paper from SMU Chemistry Undergraduate Program
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